

in our church

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  • Sunday, before every Holy Mass in our church
  • Daily, during the Eucharistic Adoration (7.30 am – 7.55 am)
  • Every Wednesday, during the Eucharistic Adoration (8.30 pm – 8.55 pm)
  • Every Saturday, before the Sunday Vigil Mass (3.30 pm – 3.55 pm)
  • First Friday, during the Eucharistic Adoration (6.00 pm – 6.55 pm)
  • Or if you need your personal appointment – please ask your priest!




The basic requirement for a good confession is to have the intention of returning to God and to acknowledge my sins with true sorrow before the priest.

Examination of Conscience

Before going to Confession you should make a review of mortal and venial sins since your last sacramental confession, and should express sorrow for sins, hatred for sins and a firm resolution not to sin again.

A helpful pattern for examination of conscience is to review the Commandments of God and the Precepts of the Church:

Click here: Various types of examinations of conscience

Click here: A Detailed Catholic Examination of Conscience

Prayer Before Confession:

Dear Holy Spirit,  please come into my soul.  Help me know how I have hurt You and others by not doing what is right. Please forgive me! O God, help me confess my sins to the priest  and receive Your love in my heart.    Help me to follow You and obey Your  commandments. May this Confession fill me with the joy and peace of Jesus. Amen.

or prayer:

O most merciful God! Prostrate at Your feet, I implore Your forgiveness. I sincerely desire to leave all my evil ways and to confess my sins with all sincerity to You and to Your priests. I am a sinner, have mercy on me, O Lord. Give me a lively faith and a firm hope in the Passion of my Redeemer. Give me for Your mercy’s sake a sorrow for having offended so good a God. Mary, my mother, refuge of sinners, pray for me that I may make a good confession.

How To Go To Confession :

Make the Sign of the Cross as you say:

“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been ______ since my last confession.”                                   

Confess your sins.

When you have finished, say:

“I am sorry for these and for all of my sins.”                            

The priest will give you a penance, and he may talk with you a little.

Pray an Act of Contrition, for example:

Lord, have mercy on me.

Kyrie eleison.                         

Thank  the  priest.

Pray your penance.

Thank God for His love and forgiveness, and ask His help to do better in the future.

Try to be more like Jesus each day.

After Confession

Give thanks to God for forgiving you again. If you recall some serious sin you forgot to tell, rest assured that it has been forgiven with the others, but be sure to confess it in your next Confession.

Perform the assigned Penance with sincerity and gratitude.

Resolve to return to the Sacrament of Reconciliation often. As Catholics we are fortunate to have the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It is the ordinary way for us to have our sins forgiven. This sacrament is a powerful help to get rid of our weaknesses, grow in holiness, and lead a balanced and virtuous life!

Click here: A GUIDE to the Sacrament of Penance (Confession)

A Guide for Confession