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Baptismal Preparation in our Parish

(Code of Canon Law, cc. 867-868; Catechism of the Catholic Church 1251)

In order to respect your request for the baptism of your child, you are invited to follow closely the stages of preparation offered below:

  • Contact your parish office (Rectory) and express your desire to have your child baptized (not later than 3 weeks before the planned baptism).
  • Introduce yourself to the parish priest if you do not already know him personally.
  • Open yourself to the invitation to actively join the faith community of your parish.
  • A baptized person who belongs to another Christian community may be admitted as a “Christian witness” (not a godparent) provided that there is at least one Roman Catholic godparent who fulfills the above criteria. A non-baptized person cannot be a witness (Code of Canon Law, cc. 872-874; Catechism of the Catholic Church 1255)

Click here:The Sacrament of Baptism: Gateway to New Life


Godparents Certificate in our Parish

(Code of Canon Law, c. 851; Catechism of the Catholic Church 843)

In order for us to issue a sponsor certificate to someone who wishes to be a godparent at Baptism or a sponsor for Confirmation, the following rules from the Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church must be fulfilled:

  • Must be 16 years old.
  • Must be baptized and have already received Communion and Confirmation.
  • Must be a registered member of the parish. Just because you attend Mass here on Sunday, does not make you a member. Anyone who reaches the age of 21, should be registered after their 21st birthday, even through they may still appear on their parent’s card. The only exceptions to this are if the person is still attending college or they are serving in the Armed Forces.
  • If you are married, it must be a valid Catholic wedding. People in civil marriages or second non-Church marriages cannot be a godparent. A divorced person, who has not been remarried, can be a sponsor or godparent.
  • Some people bring in a baptismal, Communion and/or Confirmation certificate. These are not sponsor certificates. People from Poland, who are here visiting family members and wish to be a godparent or sponsor, should bring a “zaświadczenie” from their pastor in Poland.
  • Also, there are some people who register in the parish and are under the impression that they could get a sponsor certificate immediately. Any new registration to the parish must wait at least three months before getting a certificate.

Click here: Guidelines for Baptism in the Roman Catholic Church